Ewa Chodakowska
9 min
Relaxation - relaxation in the moment for her is for you if you want to learn how to relax in any conditions that accompany you at any given time.
Relaxation led by Ewa Chodakowska.
The ability to relax in the present moment and in the conditions that accompany us at any given moment is a very valuable part of mindfulness practice. Often the day is filled with stressful professional challenges and we would like to pause in attentive, peaceful relaxation, breathe effectively and return to the things we have started. However, there is not always time for this. What can help is this brief relaxation that will calm, relax and fill you with vitality. It's just a few minutes that can greatly improve the quality of your day and affect the results of your activities.
PREPARATION: Make sure your space for this meditation is quiet, calm and orderly. You can perform this relaxation whenever you feel you need it.
IMAGE: While relaxing, you can close your eyes or indulge in color therapy designed specifically for this practice.
MUSIC: The sounds of the waves along with the voice that guides you throughout the relaxation allow you to relax and give yourself fully to this practice.