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Trening biceps - Biceps hard workout
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Trening biceps - Biceps hard workout

Robert Burneika

20 min

20 minut

Poziom średniozaawansowany,

Poziom zaawansowany

Hantle, Ławeczka, Sztanga
Średnia intensywność

O treningu

This training is for you if you want to strengthen and slim your arms and sculpt your muscles.

Training details:

  • 20-minute, intense biceps training.

The training consists of a set of 4 exercises:

  • Biceps press with a barbell while standing
  • Curling the forearm with a dumbbell based on the knee or thigh
  • Hammer press for biceps
  • Biceps press with a barbell standing (3 ranges of movement)

    Be sure to warm up your muscles before training. Remember to choose a weight that suits your abilities.


20 minut

Poziom średniozaawansowany,

Poziom zaawansowany

Hantle, Ławeczka, Sztanga
Średnia intensywność