Eksploruj/Aktywnie w biurze/
Przerwa w pracy - rozciąganie
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Przerwa w pracy - rozciąganie

BeActive Team

21 min

21 minut
Dla wszystkich
Poziom podstawowy
Mała intensywność
Całe ciało

O treningu

This video is for you if you spend long hours behind a desk.

Break-Stretch is a suggestion for exercises that you will do without dressing up in a sports outfit and laying out your mat.

You'll stretch your bones, stretch tense muscles and recharge with good energy in minutes!

The Office Fitness series will help you reduce stress and tension pains, take care of proper posture, reduce pain caused by performing repetitive tasks at work, and take care of a better mood - both at work and after work.


21 minut
Dla wszystkich
Poziom podstawowy
Mała intensywność
Całe ciało